Let's talk some kuku lah

What kind of topics that allow us to talk kuku? Usually three. 1st- politics, 2nd- work and last but not least, food/Tech.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Is Change do more good than bad?

Is been a while since I last updated this blog. Indeed a hectic month for May and June, overwhelmed by tonnes of changes and changes, surprises, fear and uncertainty in work place. People were having "corridor meetings', spreading rumors and fear (which i always regarded rumors as asshole. Rumor=asshole, everybody has).
To me, change is good for certain context and particularly in this case; i find it excellent but it should had happened years ago. This reflects how "slow" we can be for the fact that we were recognized as the "Best". I believe what makes it hard is not the change itself, but our tendency to want to hold on to the unchanged. We resist, often illogically, to move away from how things used to be even if the past seemed highly imperfect and dissatisfying at the time when it was the present. It feels comforting, I guess, to hang on with screeching tooth-nails to the familiar, when facing the unknown. 

Now that the change is here though i feel it has been long due. One piece of advise i would like to give and hopefully i have the opportunity to do that is, change for the future and not change the past. The change should be future proof and it shouldn't be done that often. Change now so that you won't be "ex-changed"!